Namespace VoltRpc.Communication



An Exception related to when an action is attempted to be done that cannot be done while the Client is already connected


An Exception related to when an action is attempted to be done that cannot be done while the Host is already running


The Client is what is used to send messages to a Host

This base Client has no implementation of actually connecting, a "communication layer" needs to be used, such as the TCPClient communication layer

In most normal cases, you will only have to use the generated proxy layer to interact with the Host


An Exception related to when the connection fails to connect


The Host is what receives and responds to a Client's requests

This base Host has no actual implementation of handling connections, a "communication layer" needs to be used for that, such as TCPHost


An Exception related to when a method fails on the host


An Exception related to when a method is attempted to be called, but the Client has not connected yet