As of VoltRpc 3.2.0, these extensions are now built into VoltRpc!
Only use the packages if you are on an older version of VoltRpc and need Vector and/or memory support.
VoltRpc has some first-party extensions for it. These are usually for extending the Type capability of BufferedWriter and BufferedReader as well as providing TypeReadWriter<T> for usage by a TypeReaderWriterManager.
System.Numerics.Vectors Support
The VoltRpc.Extension.Vectors package provides support for almost all types provided by System.Numerics.Vectors.
To install it, you can add it to your project's csproj
like so:
<PackageReference Include="VoltRpc.Extension.Vectors" Version="1.1.0" />
Once you have the NuGet package installed, you can use the types by using InstallVectorsExtension()
method with the TypeReaderWriterManager.
So for example:
VoltRpc.Communication.Client client = new TCPClient(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Loopback, 7767));
Both the client and host expose their TypeReaderWriterManager using the same field names.
If you wanted to, you can also manually add each type reader/writer.
You can also use the types in your own custom type readers/writers, using the methods provided in <xref:VoltRpc.Extension.Vectors.BufferedReaderVectorsExtensions> and <xref:VoltRpc.Extension.Vectors.BufferedWriterVectorsExtensions>.
System.Memory Support
The VoltRpc.Extension.Memory provides support for Span and Memory. It ONLY adds to the BufferedReader and BufferedWriter. It does NOT add type readers/writers! This package also provides a Span way of reading strings.
To install it, you can add it to your project's csproj
like so:
<PackageReference Include="VoltRpc.Extension.Memory" Version="1.1.0" />
Once you have the NuGet package installed, you can use the methods in <xref:VoltRpc.Extension.Memory.BufferedReaderMemoryExtensions> and <xref:VoltRpc.Extension.Memory.BufferedWriterMemoryExtensions> in your custom type readers/writers.